Dynamic Dissolve Shader


Shadow Box

Level Up Particle

Attack VFX

Text Dissolve

Dust Particles

Lamp VFX

Fog Material Shader

Object Grab VFX

Hit effect

Shield VFX

Object Highlight

Texture Blend Shader

Wisp Shader

Shoot VFX / Charge VFX

Death Dissolve and Particles

Vertex Shader

Dissolve Shader

Wind Shader
Here is an overview of all the VFX i worked on in Arin: Illumination of Shadows
The Link for the Repository: https://github.com/trytomatie/LightGameProjektarbeit
I also did all the programming for the game, more of that is showcased on this page and on the Git Repository.
Play the game for free on itch: https://filtered-water.itch.io/arin-illumination-of-shadows